About me…

Welcome! I write novels and short stories. My blog has a tag-line of ‘fiction, and other made-up stories’. Fiction is where I live. I’m a person of colour, an immigrant to North America, and a father. I’m also a climate advocate. These things shape my life. You can reach me at trentlewin@gmail.com. I love hearing from people!

You can follow me at the following:

X: @trent_lewin

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trent.lewin

As of 2024, I’m working on a novel about a reverse diaspora of Indian people. In it, they pick up and go back, to a place that doesn’t remember them. Like all fiction, there are truths in the story. This novel blurs reality and unreality in a way that lets me be funny, meaningful, and tense. And most importantly, to dissolve the line between genres.

I’ve been privileged to have won or been listed in various writing competitions, as well as having been published in literary magazines and journals. Here’s a summary:

2023: runner-up in the Ex-Puritan Austin Clarke Prize for Literary Excellence for a story called “A Moment for Indra Singh”. So happy that Ex-Puritan publishes the stories online for people to read (you can find it at that link). Judge Cody Caetano had this to say about the story: “A eulogy that doubles as an ode to storytelling before the opening sentence ends, the truly honorable mention that is “A Moment for Indra Singh” finds Arvinder tracing, channelling, and then ultimately accepting the lingering impression that the titular, vanishing Indra has left. Complete awe I felt through, between, and because of Indra and Arvinder, the former’s quest to figure out “what we were” straddling the line that separates reality from imagination. This pawing embrace of a stranger winks the reader off to Indra and Arvinder’s mesmerizing world, one that had me glowing after the end. A moment indeed.” Overwhelmed by that feedback on this tremendously odd, far-reaching story that I never thought would be published. The subject matter is fantastical, the setting far away, but I love the characters and I’m so thrilled that this story is seeing the light of day. Thank you, Ex-Puritan! In some ways, this story is a companion piece to “The Reach”, which won Boulevard’s Short Fiction Contest for Emerging Writers this year.

2023: published in DarkWinter Literary Magazine, a story called “Toronto Rain”. This is an older story, very short by my standards (under 1,500 words), but an exercise in the impact of each word and the way a few words can chart many years of human existence. I love the two main characters in this story, people who have never met, and may never – but I have hope that they will, and also hope that a reader will see that potential, too.

2023: 3rd place in the Short Grain Contest, Grain – A Journal of Eclectic Writing, for “Ata Vica”, published in Grain Volume 51.1, Fall 2023. Comment from judge Leona Theis: “When, and how, does a family sense they’ve arrived in a country that’s new to them? How many years does it take, and how does that moment look and feel? In ‘Ata Vica’, those questions – and their unlikely answers – arrive on a stream of vividly evoked sights, sounds, smells, and tastes – chunks of radish that taste like an infection, the slap of a grandmother’s slippers on tile, the reek of exhaust. These bring me into the world of the story, as does the poignant portrait of a father who reaches for cool with his sunglasses, his stubble, and his lifeless set of sandals.” I’m an immigrant to North America, a stranger who calls this place home, but I will never forget my first years here. They are indelibly etched into my identity, and always will be. Thank you to Cheryl and Henry Kloppenburg for sponsoring the Short Grain Contest, and to the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild for support of the award and of Grain Magazine.

2023: Finalist in the Writers Union of Canada Short Prose Competition, for “The Arms of Village” (unpublished). Author’s note: one of the most painful stories I’ve written, about a village characterized by its arms. But I wanted the people (and me) to understand that hope is bigger than that. There’s a note below about this one, too. The story has never been published. Only a handful of people have ever read it, but I am hopeful its reach will be further than that one day.

2023: Winner of the Boulevard Magazine Short Fiction Contest for Emerging Writers, for “The Reach”. Boulevard is a top class American literary journal, and it’s absolutely wonderful to be featured in it. Finishing first in this contest has been a dream. The story is extraordinarily out of the ordinary, a risk enveloped in less than eight thousand words. I like big, expansive stories that stretch far beyond my own expectations, but that can reach for a single precious relationship. This is a vast story, spanning centuries and many characters, but deeply personal at the same time. In my head, I see this story in a cinematic way, and it’s intended to be visualized as an epic: a sad, contemplative, far-reaching epic of the lives and dreams of two people. A story that doesn’t end.

2023: published in Syncopation Literary Journal, Volume 2, Issue 3, for “Untouchable”. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Syncopation Literary Journal. A story so sad that I have a hard time re-reading it. I feel like so many people dwell in this dark part of the human existence. I wish I could help them all.

2022: 3rd place in the Short Grain Contest, Grain – A Journal of Eclectic Writing, for “Titan Arum”, published in Grain Volume 50.1, Fall 2022. Comment from judge Sean Michaels: ‘Titan Arum’ is loose and lightfooted, moving with an agility that reminds me of Mikhail Bulgakov or Richard Van Camp. I am not the main character in this story. There is no way I could be. But I imagine people conquering the worst of humanity to become the very best of humanity. I think that is our path, and this story takes that very journey as we watch a young girl with a beard come to Canada. Thank you to Cheryl and Henry Kloppenburg for sponsoring the Short Grain Contest, and to the Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild for support of the award and of Grain Magazine.

2021: Longlisted for CBC Short Story Prize Competition, for “Titan Arum”.

2021: Longlisted for Commonwealth Writers Prize, for “Stars” (unpublished). Author’s note: how do we choose who it is that we love? This is a quasi-digital romance about accepting ourselves and how we frame love, with digital representations of that love right in front of our faces – should we choose to see them.

2020: Longlisted for CBC Short Story Prize Competition, for “The Arms of Village” (unpublished). Arms, literally, form the basis of this story. Arms that have been taken. A painful story, but I refuse to write about pain without some semblance of hope. I don’t think I have ever managed to end a story better than I ended this one.

2019: Longlisted for CBC Short Story Prize Competition, for “Boston DC” (unpublished). Author’s note: this was a fun story, about call centres in India and a Canadian boy who fails out of his home country and becomes a phone scammer abroad. We’ve all had those phone calls. What if the caller were one of us?

2018: Longlisted for Commonwealth Writers Prize, for “I Am Black”, since published in Rigorous Literary Magazine. See more below.

2016: Shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize, for “Vestigial” (unpublished). Author’s note: when you fall apart physically, bit by bit, something must remain. What is that thing? I deeply respect the ability to find humour in our everyday lives, and while the subject of this story is health, the humour is the point.

2014: Shortlisted for the CBC Short Story Prize Competition, for “Saad Steps Out”. It’s been so long that I don’t remember why I wrote this story. I was so pleased to shortlist in the CBC competition, and to have the story published for people to read. It’s about a young boy and the girl in the apartment building across from him, and the extraordinary measures required for them to connect.

I’m particularly proud of a story published in Rigorous Literary Magazine in 2020 titled “I Am Black”. I have struggled with my identity as a BIPOC writer, but that identity now finds a voice in my writing. This story is about a Black girl who begins to turn white, and what that means to her and her parents. She is accompanied on this journey by a friend who is almost certainly imaginary, but exactly who she needs. For me, this story is about the colour of my skin. I can’t say it any other way.

Traditionally, I have posted my writing on my blog, but that is no longer the case, as I am actively submitting. I write about forty stories a year.

I’ve written three novels previously, as a means of expressing stories across genres, and to hone my craft. One is epic fantasy, one is urban fantasy, and the final is upmarket contemporary. They are all undergoing revision at the moment.

Thank you for stumbling by. I have a lot of great friends in this fantastic community of writers – hope you’re one too.


264 thoughts on “About me…

  1. Thanks for taking a chair on the porch Trent. I’ve always got something open, name your poison (and promise it won’t come in a drink box!) BTW…out of curiosity…Canada and warm part? must be the west…which which I am not familiar…these two words together don’t jive in my head.

  2. I love the theme of your blog, I used it for quite awhile myself. 🙂 Very clean and neat and easy on the eyes. Next time you’re drinking wine and sitting there writing say hello. I’m probably here in Virginia doing the same exact thing haha Looking forward to reading you!

    • Yeah, liked that you had that list of top ten sites for writers, and that one of the sites is babynames.com, which I find hilarious (and also, currently, very useful). About the likes and comments, I dunno, is that not normal? It was my impression that I would be at the low end of the traffic count. I post a fair bit, or at least I think it’s a fair bit – maybe I’m overposting? I like to read other people’s stuff too, and I comment a fair bit, when I read something that catches my attention.

      • Oh, thanks. 🙂 Maybe it is normal, but if it is, then mine definitely isn’t. Perhaps it’s because I only post three times a week, but I think that’s not too bad. The only thing I might need to do more of is read other people’s blogs; I tend to stick with very few at the moment. Anyway, thanks for the info. 🙂

  3. The writers’ corner of the blog world is a friendly, welcoming place. I’ve “met” some really talented, helpful, and supportive people here. You’ve hit on one of the keys for building an audience—visiting other blogs and commenting. Not everyone responds to them, but most of us do. And some interesting and fun discussions can get going. Reading others’ comments on blogs can be a good way to find more blogs you’d like to follow.


    • Oh that is most kind of you, and much appreciated. Interesting seven things. So you’re a doctor eh? How you find time to write is beyond me. And to play the drums on top of that. Many kudos to you sir.

    • Doc, you are a strange perplexing man. I take absolute joy in our interaction and exchanges, and in your writing. That is award enough for me, and likely already more than I deserve. I decline the award – respectfully.

      • Okay. No harm done. You threw my banana into the shit! No hurt felt. After all, it was just a super-hybrid banana -one of the only six my farm produced. No hurt done!
        Oh! And about our interaction thing, are you trying to retaliate because I said I enjoyed more your reactions to people’s comments rather than even the original already-thoroughly-enjoyable posts?

    • That’s the easy part. We all have to embrace our inner madness, otherwise we are corrupted by it. And madness is just a spark for writing in the end, so may as well let it out and let it be, and see if you can knock any stars off their deep-space perches. May as well aim in that general direction, eh. I think I will go for “demented” and “heartbreaking” and “uncomfortable” and “implausible” and “factual” and the like. I will fail at each, but the striving is the fun part, and if I wrap up a few related words in some intestinal sack derived from a dead animal, that’s fine with me. We take our victories, we churn them up prior to swallowing, and often we spit them out in some unfortunate upwind direction.

  4. I find you and your site rather intriguing and in many ways, inspirational. I shall have a better look at your site tomorrow.

    • That’s almost certainly the first time anyone has ever said that to me (the usual response is ‘eewwww, gross’), so I will take the compliment gladly. Please snoop around at your leisure, I will do the same to your goth/vamp site.

      • I think everyone has somersetting interesting to say, and I think you put a lot of effort into your page. Oh, and thank you for the comment. Usually it is just Crazy Goblin Magazine who is nice enough to leave a message, so a new blog face is always nice.

        • No problems. I don’t know if I put in a lot of effort, I just love writing, it’s some basic foundation of my existence that, in its absence, sees me tumbling into a pit of self-indulgent alcohol consumption. I do try to be good though.

          • I think love of writing or even to be passionate about writing is all a person needs. Great to hear you are trying to curb your alcohol consumption and being ‘good’.

  5. Hello Trent. I’m happy to have found your blog, which I am now following. I like your writing style (from what I have read so far) – the mixture of truth and lies and the spaces between. I’ll be coming back for more. Cheers.

  6. Hello
    I wanted to ask you something
    I had a request on my Facebook Art page for a drawing that might represent hope and strength for a family who’s 15 yr old son is experiencing leukaemia.
    I then asked people how I might use the picture to raise some money for leukaemia research (which I don’t normally do, but seemed compelled, maybe good exposure for me also so not totally altruistic, but heart seems to want to…)
    ANYWAYYY one of the suggestions was for me to write an ebook on vanquishing fear/dis-ease and have the pic as the cover and then sell the ebook donating the funds etc etc.
    WHICH brought YOUR amazing imagination to mind…. originally I was going to ask you if you wanted to collaborate with me, just you and I, and write a story that featured a fifteen yr old Earth/boy/angel that uses his phenomenal powers to defeat some evil metaphor for leukaemia.
    NOW I STILL would love you to write a story like that for me to put into the ebook. I will also write a story or poetry and am planning on compiling altogether 12 (a magic number 😉 ) contributions. let me know what you think Trent Lewin.

    My Facebook art page is https://www.facebook.com/ArnaBaartzArtist?ref=hl
    and website http://www.arnabaartz.com
    thats if you want to check it out
    email arnabaartzagmail.com

    I think it could be a great and worthy project
    especially if it is all outside the box and potentially readable for teenagers

    love Arna

    • I am totally honoured that you would ask, and I will definitely do it. That will be my next writing project. Such a sad topic Poet – but I would love to help. Give me a few days and I will send something to your e-mail for your review.

      • oh how brilliantly exciting .
        I think the topic is sad but I love the idea of playing with victory of the spirit
        I LOVE the idea of using magic to bring something extra to a child’s experience and that that magic is somewhat accessible in a apical universe of which we are a part.
        I so look forward to your contribution

    • Poet, I’m sorry I’ve been away so long. I did think about your request, but I don’t think I have honoured it appropriately. I did just publish a story that I had been thinking about in this vein. I don’t know if it’s hopeful or helpful or anything, but this is what came out. I apologize if it does not honour your request; I find that my reasons for writing have nothing to do with anything voluntary at times.

      • ha! yes I will have a look, no worries at all, the right thing happens in this strange world of ours inspiration is an interesting thing. I haven’t written anything for my idea yet either, but we will see how it all pans (pens)
        out, thank you for thinking about it I do appreciate that!

    • SB – I live! I will check in. Have been horrifically busy and travelling too much. I come to your wonderful country again tonight, west coast. Hope you’re well – will check in shortly.

      • Ah, the west coast liberals in their bikinis and roller skates get ALL the fun! I’m okay, hangin in…and look forward to seeing you back. safe journey…hope the family is well the kids growing like WEEDS!

  7. I knew that unless I knew more “about” a guy who willingly ignites beavers against his enemies, I wouldn’t sleep tonight.

    And knowing that you hate Styrofoam, too, makes me more accepting of your beaver issues.

  8. Pingback: A Peek Inside | KingMidget's Ramblings

  9. where is the story of the girl in the picture you said you were gonna write about? and i want a Cavegirl sequel, please. maybe something like aliengirl. or fairiegirl. and yes, i am demanding these, because your other stories scare me. 🙂

    • I do owe you that. I keep a log of ideas, some of which turn into stories, others that take their time. I have so many to write just now… so many. They feel like they are clawing at me, like they’re each ants and that sometimes they can talk to each other and gang up on me. It keeps me up. Keep me warm. And some nights, I see them up there, against the stars, because that’s where they came from. And so did I. And so did you. We will always have that in common, n’est pas?

      My stories always scare me. Some more than others. Some are almost like they’re from someone else. An interloper or a saboteur, most likely, someone whose motives may not be all that good. I am still sorting this part out. In real life (what is real life), I sink in math and calculation; often, I feel like I live in an abstraction. That I am abstracted. That I am not actually here. I think it’s because I have unwittingly engaged in a day-to-day pursuit that is heavily at odds with writing things like this.

      • oui… 🙂 and no, i don’t think it is at odds. i think the two halves complete the you, the real or not, whatever seems to be true at that moment when you put pen to paper, or word to screen. it is the one that makes the other, or drives the other, or forces the other to come out of its hiding place. without one, the other may exist, but not with enough vigour or madness to force you to escape. to the stars and the grasslands. 🙂 it is like the math and calculation becomes a matrix of letters, not numbers, and the formula of your persona, not the true or the dark or the question: who am i? but the real, the unbound, the unmistakably knowing that this is so. this is me. your camouflage serves you well. no one will know. you travel at the speed of dreams. .

        • I often wonder how I can take the concept behind an equation and splay it out in a story. An equation defines relationships between constants and variables, putting differential emphasis on them depending on what part of physical reality is being described. Stories are… the same? Different? I haven’t been able to do this yet, but I will try.

          The speed of dreams… that is beautiful thought for the morning.

  10. I came here because of your conversation with Samara, already intrigued by what I’ve seen you write all over WordPress. And now I find I’m the 100th person to like this page – clearly, this is fate! I’m looking forward to reading.

    • Why thank you. I am a bit of a babbler-commenter, aren’t I? Anyway, very nice to meet you – I will have to pop over and check out your space hereabouts.

      I almost cheered when I read Samara’s post.

      • You’re in luck: http://www.5gig.com/ABBA-tourdates/

        When my daughter starts to have a typical teenage meltdown, I follow her around the house emphatically singing FERNANDO. I literally get right in her face and emote louder and more passionately than she does. It doesn’t take long before she stops crying and sings along.

        Proof positive that ABBA cures all.

        • I think that may be fake. I’ve been checking, they haven’t toured in a long while and don’t think they’re back together. You had my hopes up!

          Teenage daughter eh? I’m not there yet. Got a few years to go with my three. But I agree, Abba cures all. Always.

  11. Trent, I’d love to talk to you about writing. I’m getting started, and in spite of the snarky anti-stereotype post (love it!) I could probably use some advice. Feel free to contact me on this comment’s email backlink. I’d appreciate it.

    • Sure. I’ve read your stuff, you’re good. What is it that you want to write? I’m mostly fiction, and I can talk to the technique of writing fiction (at least the way I do it – I’m pretty sure there’s no one method). I’m definitely not the person to ask about how to be successful at writing, but on how to make stories, put them together, string words, I love talking about that. Mostly because I haven’t fully figured out yet how it works.

        • Wish I could write sci-fi. I would like to try that. I think storytelling is about voice, first and foremost. You have to get into a voice, even if it’s not yours, and spread that over the words. A voice is like a persona, it’s not necessarily you; it might be you occupying a character or a space, but you have to be there fully in order for the reader to be convinced of your story. That’s the hardest part, concentrating on the intent of the story and sticking with it, rather than on worrying about getting it right. If the voice is solid, the story will work out. I don’t really know how else to explain this, but it always seems to be the most important part for me. If you want to take a crack at a story and send it my way, my e-mail is trentlewin@gmail.com, I can provide some feedback if you think that would be helpful.

  12. Your lab coat intrigues me. You could really mess with people.
    It appears you are finding quite a few of your fellow Canadians here. I’m a born and raised Niagara Falls girl. Love my home town. I’m also quite fond of your area (Kitchener/Waterloo). Somehow I ended up living in Pickering this year. Odd.
    I am looking forward to reading some of your short stories.

  13. from Brain Rants’ comment above: “Just don’t tell anyone, I wouldn’t want the word getting out that I’m helpful in some way.” Made me smile. My guess is that the word is already out.

  14. Pingback: it could still be his… | The Matticus Kingdom

  15. Kind sir – thank you for wasting 18 minutes of my life looking up baseball team logos and going so far as texting my friend in California who is in the absolute middle of moving to another town today to find out your favorite team. Alas, it’s Canadian. Not the biggest stretch of my imagination. And not the biggest waste of my time because now I know that. In case Jeopardy. Because that’s ever gonna happen.

        • Dude, I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to be cool like all the other kids, plus the other kids like you are exceptionally cool, so that would be excellent… but I only post on WordPress like once a week, sometimes not even that much, I don’t really seem to keep up… I think another platform would end me.

          • Right now, we’re having a conversation on twitter involving unicorn rainbow porn, garlic feet, exploding computers and robin hood in leather.
            Mostly it’s a fun distraction while doing other things.
            But it can be quite a timesuck too.

            • That sounds awesome… but yeah, my time is already pretty much sucked away. I’m afraid that if I get into something else, I’ll be in over my head for sure. You know, like booze.

  16. Matt from the Matticus Kingdom recommended your blog so I thought I’d pop on over… Bladerunner, one of my favourite movies. Love that end speech too, my favourite quote, so much so it is in the bio of my character in eve online.

      • Yeah he is a good guy, given me lots of encouragement too.

        Yeah I am a little bit of a blade runner fan, I hope to get the whisky glasses that he has soon but currently have the DVD Metal Tin, the voight-kampff case set and bluray.

        EvE Online is a Space MMORPG game, a complete sandbox experience where you can do what you like pretty much, you can mine, fight other players, fight computer generated characters, run corporations, make modules to sell on market for other people to use, the list is almost endless.

        Here is some blub on it – http://trial.eveonline.com/en/freetrial.aspx?utm_campaign=CCP%20-%20Brand%20-%20UK%20-%20Exact&gclid=CKmdvLet1b0CFVPJtAod0VgAYQ&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&pdv=c&utm_term=eve-online&dclid=CNfHwret1b0CFdSVwgodWzsAjA

        And a trailer (I love the trailers even if they are not exactly like gameplay) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kED11aGobUk&index=8&list=PLF614A7A6461E61E1

        • Did you know there’s a sequel to Blade Runner coming? Ridley Scott is directing. I can’t wait.

          That trailer for EvE Online was crazy… they should totally turn it into a movie.

          • Yes I did know there was a Sequal coming and I like you cannot wait.

            I was slightly disapointed in the Prometheus but I am hoping that the second sequel will be good. I relaly liked Prometheus it just was not the film I wanted it to be.

            I have to say that I am looking forward to the next Star Wars too, JJ Abrams is superb I think.

            • I liked Prometheus first time I saw it… but saw it again and lost the flavour of it. I think it’s a grand movie that went astray somewhere. I so hope the sequel to Blade Runner is better. I revere that movie.

              And as for Star Wars… I am a massive massive fan. I keep my fingers crossed. I was okay with the prequels. They weren’t awesome (last one kind of was), but I had hoped for better. Praying for the sequels. JJ… I don’t love him. I might have picked someone else, but I hope he brings this home.

              • I think what JJ did with Star Trek was awesome, I really liked Cloverfield too so I know I like the kind of movies he likes to make which is all good. I need to rewatch Prometheus again. Ive an excellent ambinet track that is set against clips from that film and it gets me stirred up each time.

                The Blade Runner film cannot come around quick enough for my liking 🙂

          • I forgot to reply rethe trailer: Yeah Eve is a mental game, that trailer is not really gameplay as such although the ships shown are ships in the game. But it is so open and so sandbox I cannot really describe it adequately.

  17. Hi Trent. Great page! Always happy to “meet” a fellow writer and blogger. I don’t directly post my fiction on my page, but I like to write a lot about writing. Cheers!

  18. Pingback: A present for you guys | Cupid or Cats

  19. Hey Trent, How goes it? We’ve conversed on other sites and I figured it was high time to come and visit. I am a SF/fantasy aficionado so I’ll likely enjoy your stories, Thanks.

    • Why hello Paul – thanks for stopping by! Of course I remember you and your very eloquent posts on people’s comments – you certainly take the time to comment wholeheartedly, which I greatly appreciate. But like where is your blog? Do you have one?

      • I’m blog-free at the moment. It’s a hardware issue – my old laptop doesn’t have the processing power or memory to set up a website -it freezes up. As soon as I can upgrade iIm gonna give blogging a try.

  20. Pingback: Finished! | UnfetteredBS

  21. Pingback: My Writing Process – #mywritingprocess Blog Tour | Amy Reese Writes

  22. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award | Cupid or Cats

  23. You’ve been nominated for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Click here to read seven pointless facts about me and claim the award. Or not. It’s your life.

    And, so what if this is a generic message. The sincerity is there.

  24. Pingback: This is for … | KingMidget's Ramblings

  25. I’ve been meaning to stop by your blog for a while – I’m glad I did. It seems we have a few things in common – our love of fiction and a penchant for writing characters who (in my case anyway) possibly have more of a life than their author, and that we’re both Canadian. I’m more of a Jays fan myself however. 😉 Do you live in the province of Quebec?

    • Hey Linda! Great to meet ya, I’ve seen you around of course. So you’re into fiction too, eh? Well I’m definitely coming over. And Canadian? Fantastic! I do have to tell you that I dislike the Jays, though. It’s just one of those things – sorry! Don’t hold it against me!

      I used to live in Montreal, but in Ontario now (near Toronto). Whereabouts are you at?

  26. If you want recognition you can have it. I know you have made it already
    I know this like the sunrise
    i know
    and you can trust this knowing because I am the lord of the unknown universes

  27. Pingback: All the Awards | Cupid or Cats

  28. Bloody hell! I had to scroll down for miles to find a spot to write! 😀
    Lovely picture. Where, exactly, is that?
    I didn’t call myself a writer until recently. I started blogging to see if I had any talent (or if anyone would bother reading me) and then became addicted.
    Happy to have met you over at Frank’s place. Off to read more from you!

  29. Pingback: Awards and 1,000 followers!  | CUPID OR CATS

  30. Pingback: Entertainment? | The Matticus Kingdom

  31. Pingback: still worth it | The Matticus Kingdom

  32. Aw I need to seriously read more of your work, I’ve loved what I’ve read so far and introspective pieces of complete madness are my favorite! Bookmarking you now! I’ll be back (said in a non Arnold Schwarzenegger voice because that would be so totally lame, so I said it in more of a slurred drunken old man voice- kind of like what I would sound like if I were a drunken male hermit.) Ok enough insanity, I’m out, but you know- I’ll be back. (Oh god not again, I truly am sorry for this comment now!)

  33. Pingback: safe 2 – The Matticus Kingdom

  34. Tell me asshole, do you pick up your own shit?

    Did you know that Silver Back has a ten foot sword made be Genghis-khan, mean you’ve disgraced Mrs Nature an family for using a monkey…

    I would think before you react next time…………….


  35. Pingback: To Be a Writer | Trent Lewin

  36. Pingback: Take Heed This Risk | Trent Lewin

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