3:30 AM

I would like to start by saying that I am not drunk. I actually went to sleep, and woke up at 2 am. Now it’s 3:30 AM. Nothing is bugging me. Nothing is stressing me. I have a great life. Great family, a job that is demanding but also important. Great friends. I have money,…

Morning Sky

I have nothing useful to say or present, and it will be a while before I post fiction on here. Taking a break to write! Weird as that sounds. But I do have a morning sky shot to post. Air is still. Heat is coming. A sunflower just dropped a seed on my foot. A…

Rigorous Literary Magazine

Rigorous Literary Magazine is “A journal by black, indigenous and people of color,” that can be found here. I’m honoured that Rigorous published my story ‘I Am Black‘. It’s a story about race. Simply, it’s a story about race, but there is nothing simple about this topic. Why Am I in Rigorous? To the point,…

Random Post

I’m definitely not going to talk about my existence in the current weird world, because I have nothing to add and nothing funny or interesting seems to happen. I got nothing. I do have stuff to write though. As always, appreciate those of you who read. I have some stuff written that I’ll eventually post…

Journey’s End

Some of you will know exactly what I mean by this, but when you set out to write and push an idea, you have no idea what you’re really doing. You just put words on a page and stuff comes out. The first draft is so trash. The second draft is make or break, either…

The Demise of Trent Lewin

Dear bloggers, As a friend of Trent Lewin’s, I regret to inform you that this blogger has ceased to exist. He had a reasonable run. He wrote things that were far too long. He didn’t know what a conclusion was, and generally frustrated most people. Most especially, he was not patient or particularly good, so…

How to Tell Someone You Hate Their Writing

Have you ever left a comment on someone’s blog saying “I love this!” or “This really moved me!” or “I wish I had written that!” or “Lovely post!” or “Big hugs and lots of love!” or “Just…wow!” without actually having read the post? Or worse – said those things while really not liking the post…