Urban Hymns

It’s pernicious, the way we think on memory. I like to make things up and insert them into the past. Some people call that fraud. I call it ‘writing’. In 1997, a madman named Richard Ashcroft fronted a band called The Verve. I don’t think they are making music anymore. In the world today, there…

Both Look Home

I’m breaking a promise. I said I wouldn’t post fiction here, but I’m going to. This is an old story, a relatively short one, and I happened upon it again today. It’s indicative of the unclean way my writing mind works. It’s unpublishable. It’s not imbued with any meaning that I can detect. It’s just…

Alien Alien

The days start at 7 am and go until 11 pm. The good thing is, we walk a lot, so it’s not like I’m sitting around doing nothing. And all this stuff, in the global south, it doesn’t actually spin in a different direction, but it’s not the same as what we know, either. I’m…